Items tagged #Solar

430clinton hrb horizontal
430 Clinton Avenue
Clinton Hill
Oakcrest ext 3
75-23 113th Street
The Oakcrest
Forest Hills
430clinton hrb vertical
Case Study
The story of how one Brooklyn condo board bonded together over solar energy — after much deliberation
Meg Duff
Clean Energy
Once solar panels are installed, engi­neers utilize energy clip­ping” to ensure peak perfor­mance, even on the cloud­iest days
Miranda Lipton
How Lucas Parra lobbied his neigh­bors for rooftop solar
Miranda Lipton
Oakcrest ext vertical1
Clean Energy
When it came time for routine repairs, the Bluestone group upgraded to solar
Talib Visram
Oakcrest solar 2
Clean Energy
Solar panels on the roof of Forest Hills rental carve a pathway toward clean energy via net metering
Sunny Nagpaul